Member-only story
The Gurney Keeps Rolling
By Nana Dadzie Ghansah
They are rolled down the hallway in a special gurney to the first stop on their journey to eternal rest. They are those who did not make it. Those who, despite our best efforts, lose the fight.
Before the pandemic broke out, one would see the gurney rolling down the hallway rarely. Maybe once every other month or longer.
Since the pandemic broke out, each surge has changed the frequency one sees the gurney roll down the hall.
Lately, the gurney has been seen quite often. Sometimes four times a day — rolling down that long and sterile hallway. A few days ago, there were three before noon — signs of a dramatic surge.
This surge started around July and it feels different. It is relentless, pernicious, and lethal. It feels like the virus is on a mission that involves extracting a daily quota of souls. Like a colleague said after a bad weekend, “Jesus took a few,” and the frequency one sees that special gurney rolling hints at and confirms the severity of this surge and that description.
Each day, Jesus takes a few, and the gurney keeps rolling.
Yet, the empty spots they leave in the ER, patient rooms, and ICUs do not stay open for long. They fill up quickly, and the cycle continues. It is a cycle that sees some make it, and others…